Managing Your Hub
Determining your goals
A digital town hub opens up a new world of capabilities and insights but it’s ultimately down to the host organisation to define what success, from a strategic perspective, looks like.
Common strategic goals for host organisations are:
- Driving more footfall to the town centre
- Measuring the impact of events
- Empowering businesses with marketing tools
- Displaying IoT Sensor data to residents and businesses
- Using the app to provide opportunities for residents to engagement as part of a community plan or targeted issue-led campaign.
What kind of time investment is needed?
The time investment required from the host organisation will depend on your goals and how big your town is. Like anything, the more you put in to your Digital Town Hub, the more you (and the wider community) will get back from it.
It’s best to think about the time investment in phases:
Phase I – Launch
Launching the hub will require marketing, outreach to local businesses and onboarding. This will require a concerted effort over a 3-6 month period.
Phase II – Maintenance & Steady Growth
After launch, the hub will have reached a critical mass. At this point, less effort is required and administration is more about maintenance and steady growth.
A hub can be managed by one person logging in once a week for 2-3 hours to check platform content, respond to community feedback and schedule notifications.
Is training and support available?
Loqiva can provide you with training remotely and in-person. When you commission your Digital Town Hub, we provide in-depth guides, and support through template marketing materials.
What are my responsibilities?
As an Administrator, you will typically be an employee or volunteer of a host organisation or a partner organisation.
For example, a host organisation might be a Council, a partner organisation a local community group. Host organisations and partner organisations have data protection responsibilities under GDPR legislation. Please check with your organisation to ensure you are compliant with these responsibilities when working with data originating from the hub.
The host organisation is also responsible for content on the platform and secure administrative access.