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Launching A Hub

What’s involved?

A digital town hub takes 10-12 weeks to launch successfully.

Typically a hub will go through the following phases:

  1. Branding and installation
  2. Configuration and content preload
  3. Soft launch to businesses and community groups
  4. Public launch to residents
  5. Ongoing hub management

Digital Town Hubs are typically launched by Councils, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) or community organisations. Often multiple organisations partner to work together to operate a hub.

1. Branding and installation (2-3 weeks)

The host organisation instructs Loqiva to install a digital town hub with its choice of branding. The software is installed on Loqiva’s servers and the apps are submitted to the Apple and Google stores.

2. Configuration and content preload (2 weeks)

Loqiva helps the host organisation to configure their digital town hub. For instance, setting the geographical limit (Service Area) for business sign-ups, creating and connecting API keys, etc.

Administrators preload the platform with content – populating sections like maps, tours, events and information.

3. Soft launch to businesses and community groups (4-6 weeks)

The host organisation engages local businesses and community groups through the channels available. This process typically involves marketing materials being created, Zoom workshops and one-to-ones with businesses and community groups.

4. Public launch to residents (2-4 weeks)

The app is marketed to residents (and visitors) through a dedicated communications campaign. The goal is to rapidly grow a user base which starts to benefit the businesses and community groups that have signed up.

5. Ongoing hub management

After a successful launch, a hub needs to be managed from month to month to ensure the content remains fresh and businesses remain engaged. We recommend that 1 day per week should be set aside by administrators to manage the hub.

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