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Logging in for the first time

What to expect

The first time you login to your business account you will be greeted with hints and tips to help you find your way around.

You will also notice that some of the options on the menu are greyed out. To activate these menu options, you need to create a business profile first.

Setting up your business profile

1. Go to the menu

Click on Business Profile on the menu

2. Add your business

Go to the first field and begin typing in your Business Name.

As you type, the hub will begin checking Google for your business. If it’s registered with Google, it will first a) check if this business is eligible to be listed on the platform and b) ask you if it’s ok to add details from Google.

If you add details from Google, you may find that some items like Opening Times and Business Image have been filled in. Please then fill in the rest of the missing fields before saving your profile.

If your business cannot be found by Google, then just enter your Business Name as normal (without clicking on any Google suggestions). Next go to Address and type your address in. If this is found by Google, please then select the correct option suggested. Carry on and fill out the rest of your business profile.

Finally, if Google cannot find your business or your address, fill out your profile manually without Google’s suggestions.

3. Add your Description

Enter a short description of your business (150-200 words) that sells what you do to local residents.

4. Select your Business Type

Select the category that best matches your business from Entertainment, Food and Drink, Shopping, Services or Mobility. Using the drop-down menu, then choose the right sub-category for your business.

5. Add your Business URL

If you have a website, you can enter your business URL (e.g. https://<>. Alternatively, you can also put the URL for a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter page. (Please ensure you add https:// to the URL).

6. Add your YouTube URL

If you have a video to promote your business, please upload this to YouTube and enter the URL to display this as part of your profile within the app.

Once you have completed your Business Profile, please click ‘Save’ or ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the page. Once you have done this, your business will be listed in maps and in the searchable directory on the app for your digital town hub. Congratulations!

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