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Targeted Messages

How It Works

Targeted Messages is an extremely powerful way to connect with App Users.

The Hub creates an OS-level message which means that users will see the message even if they aren’t using the App at the time. They must have the app running in the background. Clicking on the OS-level message takes the user to their Notifications Inbox.

The same message is shown in the user’s Notifications Inbox. In addition to the message are buttons which appear that link the user to specific Offers, Events, Surveys, Documents and Map Items.

Messages are stored in the user’s Notifications Inbox until such time they are deleted by the user.

The Hub allows messages to be sent to specific groups of users that match Interest, Gender and Age characteristics. Using this feature properly stops users from being overloaded with messages that aren’t relevant to them.

Finally, the same message can also be sent to users via email.

Creating A Message

  • Click on Create Message.
  • Add a Message Title, select whether it should be emailed, add the message body.
  • You then have the option to attach a URL, Survey, Event, Offer, Document or Map Item. You can add one of each if required.
  • Click Next
  • Target your message by selecting from the Interest, Gender and Age options.
  • Click Next
  • Choose whether to send your message now or schedule it for a time and date in the future.
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