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How It Works

GeoAlerts are OS-level messages sent to users when they walk through a specific location.

GeoAlerts also targets users – so a user will only receive a message if they walk through the location and have the right interest, gender and age attributes tagged. Targeting is part of GeoAlerts to ensure people only receive content they have said they are interested in.

GeoAlerts can be used to trigger:

  • messages for a specific location, e.g. Fireworks here this weekend!
  • offers nearby, e.g. Check out Peter’s Pizzas – 2 for 1 offer on now.
  • surveys, e.g. Let us know what facilities you would like to see in the park?

Creating A Message

  • Click on Create In-App Alert
  • Choose where you want to place you GeoAlert. Click on the map to create a pin and drag it to the correct location. Note that the circle around the pin is the size of the GeoAlert location, i.e. the area within which a message will be triggered. Click Confirm when ready.
  • Add a Title, add a message and adjust the radius of the GeoAlert area to make it bigger or smaller. If you change the radius you can go back to the map to see how the area has changed. Click on Change Pin Location to do this.
  • Finally, target your GeoAlert by selecting the right interest, gender and age group options.

Having saved the GeoAlert, check its live by making sure the green status icon is showing.

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