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Importing Events

Importing events to pre-populate the Loqiva App

Simpleview is used by many Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs) to manage their websites and outbound marketing communications.

Loqiva offers customers the ability to import events from SimpleView in to the hub.

Setting This Up

  • Ask Simpleview to provide the API keys for your Simpleview install to Loqiva.
  • Create a polygon in Simpleview to define the geographical area within which the events should be sent to your digital town hub. The polygon will have a number (or “integer”). Provide this number to Loqiva.

How It Works

  • Loqiva connects to Simpleview once a week using the Simpleview API.
  • Loqiva checks all of the events within the Simpleview database and refreshes the listings automatically for you.
  • Simpleview categories are mapped to Loqiva’s categories using the Editor in Settings.

Publishing Events

Loqiva checks each Simpleview event and processes them as follows:

  • One-off events without a date or time specified won’t be published.
  • Recurring events require a date and a minimum of a start time.
  • Events taking place on the same day with multiple performance times will have the details merged into the same event shown on Loqiva.

 App Performance

  • Loqiva possesses a daily chronological view, a calendar and a filtered (by category) view so users can easily access the information they need.
  • Please note that very large numbers of events loaded into the phone apps may have an impact on performance.
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