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How It Works

Campaigns allows you to automate notifications to users. You might want to, for example, send app users a notification about a local event each week.

Your hub can schedule a weekly notification, pick an event based upon the rule you select, and send this with one of the message options you’ve written for the campaign.

The idea of having multiple message options is so that it’s not the same message going out every week. You can mix it up so the messages feel more human and organic.

Once set-up, the Campaign can run for as long as you require

Campaigns currently has the following types available:

  • Events
  • Offers

Creating A Campaign

  • Click on Create campaign.
  • Add the frequency of your campaign in Campaign Schedule
  • Create a Campaign Name and select the Type in Campaign Details.
  • Create up to 10 different messages for this Campaign. The hub will select messages at random but won’t publish the same message again until all messages have been sent.
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